About Us

Success is not built in a day, but accumulates over time. Every day should be an opportunity to innovate. We are “makers”, we design and manufacture innovative mobile air conditioners to give our customers a unique feeling of wellness. Our air conditioner consumes on average 75%  less energy than its competitors and does not require any heat avacuate tube. In addition, it is fully repairable and compact in design.

Message from CEO.

I strongly believe that it is everyone’s responsibility to preserve nature for future generations. Through Hope Technology, my team and I have a mission to innovate to preserve nature and improve the well-being of people, regardless of their standard of living, whether in the city or the country, at home or in a flat.  We will always strive to offer innovative solutions to provide our consumers with special moments.

CEO & Founder

Company Values


Respect is worth more than mere politeness because it removes any hypocrisy. In order to reduce conflicts and maintain employee satisfaction within the company, we have implemented a culture of mutual respect to contribute to better working conditions and employee productivity.​


Trust is the foundation of our values. It is also the engine of the bond that unites us by improving the quality of communication between each of us in order to manage and avoid conflict situations. When trust is present, it energises the team and opens up all the fields of possibility, like a call to surpass oneself, allowing efficiency to emerge.


Striving for excellence means doing our best, making the right choices and loving our fellow man. It is this vision, rooted in the company’s core values, and the way members adhere to these values, that creates the uniqueness of sustainable competitive advantage.


For us, innovation is first and foremost a state of mind, always pushing the boundaries with a desire for continuous improvement. It is the engine of our growth and competitiveness. Innovation also allows us to differentiate ourselves on the market.

Our Vision


We are aware of what we are offering: a real mobile air conditioner because it does not require a pipe to evacuate the heat and it is ecological on the one hand because of its very low energy consumption and on the other hand because it uses a gas that does not cause any greenhouse effect. These characteristics, which seem to be ordinary, make us unique and set us apart from others.


We want to inspire others by being an example to people who want to make positive changes. We are not looking for our actions to be recognized as a benchmark but rather an inspiration to commit to protecting the environment. We will work hard to ensure that everyone around us will embrace our cause. In this way, people will adopt any changes we make unconsciously.


Change is necessary for progress, and many people hate it. If we understand that what we have now is not working, we should change something. Our choices determine whether our future is bright or dark. We can move towards a better future by choosing innovation to reduce energy consumption as a means of change.


A successful company knows what matters most to its customers and constantly strives to improve their lives. This increases the company’s sense of satisfaction and also gives customers hope.

Hope Team


HVAC engineer


BtoC Saleswoman


BtoB Saleswoman


Computer Scientist
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